Ceremony of Aid for All Hungry Ghosts

- Toronto Zen CentreLocation
- 10:30 AM - 11:45 AMTime
Each year at this time we perform a ceremony for beings who are suffering in the Preta or Hungry Ghost Realm. Our Hungry Ghost Ceremony will be held on Sunday, October 27, starting at 10:30 AM.
During this observance, food and drink is offered to the hungry, thirsty inhabitants of the preta realm.
Ceremony History
According to legend, the Buddha’s disciple Moggallana had a vision that his mother had entered into a realm of great suffering from thirst and hunger after passing away. He asked the Buddha what he could do for her. The Buddha said that Moggallana could, through the power of his pure practice, make her offerings which would not be poisonous or turn to fire.
For this reason, during the ceremony we make offerings of food and water and chant sutras for the beings suffering in this state of existence. It is said that any ancestor, even distantly related to us, who has fallen into states of woe will be able to receive the merit of the offerings that are compassionately and selflessly given. Each participant also makes an offering of pre-packaged vegetarian food which will be donated to a local food bank.
This affords members an opportunity to remember and honour friends and relatives or animals who were important to them, and who have passed away during the past year.
This is also a time for us to reflect upon on our own greed and hungry ghost-like desires: our craving for status, praise, wealth and material things. It is an opportunity to recognize those aspects of our personality that are given over to grasping and to want.
Ancestor Table
After the Hungry Ghost ceremony we have a special service to remember and honour those who were close to us and have passed away in the last year. If you are attending in person you will write their name on a piece of paper and offer it in the purification fire.
If you are attending on zoom you should send the name into the office on or before Saturday, October 26.
You may also bring pictures of ancestors (parents or grandparents) who have passed away, on the Saturday before and we will set up special tables to remember them as well.
Personal Ghosts
The ceremony also offers participants an opportunity for personal cleansing and renewal: memories of regrettable actions or past words that still haunt us are written on paper notes, which are then folded and wrapped with tissue paper—thus fashioning 'personal ghosts'. These 'ghosts' are burnt outside over barbecue coals...“So long...Farewell!”
All are Welcome
The Hungry Ghost ceremony is for both adults and children. Friends and family are most welcome, and anyone may attend in costume or in street clothes. Please remember to bring a vegetarian food donation (canned, bagged or boxed) to offer during the ceremony—these will be given to a local food bank.
Advance Work Period
Please sign up for the work period on Saturday morning, October 26 at 9:30 if you possibly can. Members from out of town are welcome to stay over.
Please REGISTER whether you are attending in-person or through Zoom.